Why LOTO Safety is Important? Essential Steps to Follow

Loto safety is a very important practice for all organisations that provides complete protection to its employees. It improves safety in a facility if implemented by experts, professionally and correctly. It reduces risk while using well-serviced and maintained equipment.

All examined and verified equipment & machinery identified for LOTO are able to provide results to the small or mid-sized businesses. It may release hazardous energy which seems to be very dangerous for your employees. It gives relief to the employees and makes all machinery capable of ensuring its ever-increasing productivity.   

Follow these important steps for Loto Safety/Tagout Procedures

LOTO safety is very important for every workplace which is an energy control program. It includes well-established procedures of control programs for using locks and tags themselves, policies, equipment, periodic review, training of workers and regular inspections as well. Important steps of LOTO safety & ragout/lockout procedures:

Preparation: For the basic preparation, tagging and locking out equipment is essential for the purpose of service and ease maintenance. At this step, the authorised employee investigates all types of hazardous energy. Furthermore, identification of the specific hazards and means for controlling that energy is very important.

Powering down: At this step, powering down and locking out machines is essential. Shutting down the machines for its maintenance or service will be done at this point.

Isolation: Isolation of the machineries from any source of energy is an integral step. Turning off the power or shutting a valve seems very important.   

Lockout/tagout: The next step should be to lock and tag out the machine from its energy. This only step seems to be very important among all. At this step, the authorised employee will attach lockout/tagout devices to all energy-isolating devices. It applies the lockout device on the energy-isolating device to ensure it is at its safe position.

Energy checks: Once the energy source is disconnected, lockout safety process followed and machines are locked out, that doesn’t guarantee there’s no hazardous energy stored within the machine as well as it’s safe  performance.

At this step, it becomes important to look for any hazardous energy that’s been stored within the machine or residual energy which must be relieved, disconnected and restrained.


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